Classic, or Softcore, means that you will drop some of your coins upon death.However, Journey characters can only enter in Journey Mode worlds, including playing in multiplayer. Journey characters can access the cheat menu by pressing C, allowing them to enable Godmode, duplicate items, set the time and weather, disable enemy spawning, etc.

Journey Mode gives the player the ability to " research" items and access to various cheat options, like a limited Creative mode.The character difficulty setting determines what happens when the character dies - it does not affect any other aspects of gameplay, including how hard the enemies will be. Note: On 3DS, all players are in Classic mode there is no difficulty setting. You can choose different character difficulty options: Journey (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), Classic (also known as Softcore), Mediumcore, and Hardcore. On Old-gen console and 3DS, your character's name cannot be changed later on. On the Desktop version, Console version, and Mobile version, you are able to change the name of your character at any time you wish. It does not have to be the same as your Steam or console username. Your character's name will display when logging into a world, sending messages in chat, and whenever you die. Here, you can change a number of your character's properties such as: hair, hair color, clothing style along with its colors, skin color, and eye color! Click the New button on the bottom right to open the character creation screen. The character creation screen on the Desktop version, Console version, and Mobile versionĪfter selecting the game mode, you'll have to create and select your own character. So let's learn how to be a master at the early game! This guide will assume you have chosen Single Player as it is easier to learn to play the game, but don't let that stop you from playing with friends. The Console, Old-gen console and 3DS versions have a built-in Tutorial that we recommend completing first. We - for this example - will pick "Single Player," if however, you would like to begin your adventure with your pals then you may select "Multiplayer!" The available options are Single Player or Multiplayer on the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions, or Play Game on the Old-gen console and 3DS versions. On Terraria's title screen you can pick the game mode you would like to play. Keep reading for a step-by-step tutorial on how to begin Terraria! It will cover gameplay basics like character creation, combat, and early-game tips, and direct you to other guides for further advice. This guide will help you get started on your journey through your world.